About us

Sing ah Lime – for such a time as this is a program designed by members of the Church of Christ, under the leadership and oversight of the Mt. Pleasant Church of Christ. It seeks to promote unity and fellowship among the brethren through Acapella singing.

Our mission is to host (3) three Sing ah Lime Fellowships per year which would comprise 2 in Trinidad and 1 in Tobago.

Please see below for messages from our Host Evangelist and Founder.

Inaugural Singahlime 30 May 2023

Our Host Evangelist

Greetings on behalf of the Church of Christ at Mt. Pleasant! 

My name is Leon George Philbert, the Evangelist for the Church of Christ, Mt. Pleasant.  

Sing ah Lime is a creative and innovative Caribbean style fellowship, centered around singing acapella praises which has the power to promote unity and fellowship among the brotherhood. The program is under the leadership and oversight of The Church of Christ at Mt. Pleasant, Tobago and will benefit the Churches of Christ in several ways, beginning with the exposure of hidden talents within the Church and the development of young and upcoming song leaders helping to lift the Sunday song service.  

We will foster the growth of Sing ah Lime through the capable and qualified Committee members and forward thinking of the Leadership. It is with personal conviction and great expectation that I endorse this program and foresee that Sing ah Lime will be a household name throughout the brotherhood in seven years’ time. 

Sing ah Lime is an experience you don’t want to miss. The magic power in a Caribbean lime is in the contribution and participation of individuals. See you at the Lime! 

Bro. Leon Philbert
Mt. Pleasant Church of Christ

Committee Members

A Message from our Founder

Good day to all! I have been in the secret service of the Lord for a long time, willing to play along and just be a fly on the wall. It has been so long that I seem to forget how good God has been to me and the things I should be grateful for.

Something happened in late 2022, and I decided to ask God to give me a project that would bring about unity and foster togetherness in His body. I did not know what it was at the time, so, boldfaced as I am, I vowed my life against it and promised that I would do all that I can to ensure that it would be a success with God’s guidance, mentorship, and wisdom. I cannot explain how I knew what I had to do; I just knew it. It took me weeks and months to document, draw, write, and talk about this project, which became known to me as “Sing ah lime for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14).

At the time, I had my own fair share of everyday challenges and much more, but I decided for the first time in my existence to truly put God first and accomplish this.

I reached out to various members of the Lord’s body to solicit their assistance, and eventually the Sing ah Lime Steering Committee was formed, comprising faithful members representing different congregations, namely, Mt. Pleasant, Panco Lane, San Juan, Arima, and Granville churches of Christ. I wrote a letter to the evangelist of the Mt. Pleasant Church of Christ, Bro. Leon Philbert, requesting their Leadership, guidance, endorsement, and oversight for this project and it received their approval.

As a committee, we have agreed to follow good biblical practices when making key decisions and to be mindful of several key elements such as evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development. So, the overall vision and goal of this program is to create unity and promote fellowship among our brethren, which in turn should help heal, restore, and create better bonds, and also provide an avenue for some evangelism work through the teaching of the Word.

The Originator of this project is my Lord. I am just a vessel or a conduit, as they say, through which His wonderful work can be wheeled and shaped.

Heaven does not have any counseling rooms. As His children, our true character is what matters before God: our faithfulness, especially in tough times; our forgiveness and love for people that do us wrong; our sharing of the gospel with brethren and others alike; our praying or just talking to God when we are alone; and our overall service and value that we place on our Lord, His people, and His work.

As we seek to provide an avenue through this program for members of the church to heal, to restore broken relationships, and to share the gospel with others, it is our hope and vision that we will all partner with each other to make this a reality.


Bro. Martin Rampersad