Dear brethren,

We greet you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and trust that you’re in good health.

The Church of Christ Mt. Pleasant and the ‘Singahlime’ committee wish to express our sincere thanks to all, for making the inaugural ‘Singahlime’ event, a tremendous success.

‘Singahlime’ was designed with you in mind, to “heal, help, restore, and create stronger bonds through unity and fellowship, and to provide an avenue for evangelism through the teaching of the “Word of God”. We can say beyond any doubt, that the event achieved its stated objectives in a most epic way!

Thanks to all who came, contributed food items, lead in songs or prayers, or just joined in offering up the “sacrifice of praise” to God. We all experienced the joy of fellowshipping in song, and we are certain that heaven rejoiced with us.

‘Singahlime’ is here to stay. You can begin planning for the next event carded for September 25th of this year, at the MIC headquarters in Macoya.

Till then, we bid you God’s speed. We leave with you snippets of the event to warm your memory.

Yours in Christ,

Bro Potter Bruno,

For Church of Christ, Mt. Pleasant.